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Acts’ Visitation Policy for our Florida Campuses

Acts strives to ensure reasonable clinical and safety measures regarding visitation are in place to protect the health and security of all residents and staff. Visitation should be person-centered.

Residents may receive in-person visitors of their choosing for a minimum of two hours and may also deny or withdraw visitation consent for any individual at any time. Consensual physical contact between a resident and the visitor is allowed.

Multiple visitors may visit the resident at any time in a manner that does not impose on the rights of other residents and per the consent of the resident, however the community reserves the right to change the location of a visit if that visit infringes on the rights of the resident’s roommate or other residents in the community. Visitors are required to log in and out at the visitor’s Kiosk and are not required to provide proof of vaccination or immunization as a condition of visitation rights.

Visitors with respiratory symptoms are recommended to defer non-urgent in-person visitation. For visitors who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection, it is safest to defer all non-urgent in-person visitation until 10 days after their close contact.

Visitors are requested to practice the following source control preventative measure when visiting a resident in our community:

  • Hand hygiene/hand washing before and after contact with all surfaces. (Use of alcohol-based hand rub is preferred).
  • Face covering or mask (covering mouth and nose) in accordance with CDC guidance will be provided by the community for visitor use as desired or if required.
    NOTE: In accordance with Florida Resident Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, section 381.026, F.S .2 a visitor may opt out of wearing a facial covering if an alternative method of infection control or infectious disease prevention is available.

As per Florida Statue 408.823, the Nursing Home Administrator is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the policies and procedures. Visitors who do not follow or are unable to follow the core principles of infection prevention will not be permitted to visit or will be requested to leave the premises. The staff will monitor for any visitors having difficulty adhering to the core principles of infection prevention and will take appropriate action to educate and or to request that the visitor leaves the premises.

For more information about visiting Florida communities, please visit If you believe your or your loved one’s rights are being violated, please contact AHCA by calling the toll-free Complaint & Information Call Center at 1 (855) 647-2417, or by completing an online complaint form at:

Issued: 5/22 Revised: 12/22, 8/23