Page 13 - ActsCOVID-19_and_Me
P. 13
Finding a Rhythm and a Routine
Eventually, the time comes when the body wants to return to a routine, to rise in the morning with a direction or purpose, and move through the day completing tasks and making plans. As a new resident in my community, I had found life to be busy with cardio-fit and strength and tone exercises, poetry workshops, dinners with other residents, and attending special events. I
was also active in activities and organizations in my previous community and frequently traveled back across the Bay Bridge for meetings and gatherings.
All those activities ended with the pandemic. After my heavy-head period, I needed to find a new rhythm and routine to shape my days, for those early days had a sameness about them that caused one day to spill into the other. We were fortunate that with the beginning of spring, the length of light grew longer with each day, and we could enjoy the setting of the sun. But the nights seemed lengthy. Because I had begun to awaken frequently during the night, I looked forward to the morning.
Morning Greeting
Seven has come already
but this spring evening is young still the sun sits high enough to toss long shadows across the lawn
before darkness settles
Lengthy is the night
the clock announces
the passing of the hour and I count each chime before drifting off serenaded by a delicate song that one hears only
in the silence of the dark