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Fort Washington Estates

735 Susquehanna Rd, Fort Washington, PA 19034
| 215-542-8787

Fort Washington Estates Pricing

Our Fort Washington, PA retirement community offers you options when it comes to pricing. You'll be able to choose from five pricing plans to find the one that best fits your needs. Our two most popular plans are:

  1. Acts Life Care® Premier, which features an entrance price and monthly fee that secure your residency and never increase based solely on the need for a higher level of care.
  2. The Acts Balanced Plan, which is for those whose goals are not based on the advantages of the Premier plan and are seeking a lower entrance price.

Plus, a portion of your retirement community entrance fee may be tax-deductible (please discuss this, and other tax benefits, with a financial professional). Get pricing information on Fort Washington Estates and get peace of mind!

Watch the video below on the Acts Life Care Premier plan, then find a pricing option that fits your lifestyle.

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